process. this little eyebrow scissor is the best pompom cutter you will know. best $5 at pmall spent. don't worry, i did not use it to cut eyebrow prior.
my third (and last, that's right, I had only produced three pompoms in the span of two hours. i will not win any assembly-line awards) pompom, and favourite! it resembled a half-spawn owl duckling still in the egg much like those gross balut (don't click if you have a weak stomach), only much cuddlier.
the fruits of everyone's labour. I felt a little better because some others were producing as slowly as I was.
I headed out early as I was also suppose to attend dance thing only to walk in the opposite direction, and ended up at the gallery cooper cole (formely known as show and tell). it looked like they were having a party. It turned out to be the opening night for a show called "brothers of the weird", and as the name suggests, was just as trippy.
my favourite piece! (+some random guy)
Lovely pompoms!! :D